Extreme Makeover

It's Monday... and it has begun.

After months of waiting for permits and praying for volunteers and good weather, it's finally begun: the church version of Extreme Makeover where a very loving and capable team of volunteer building workers help us to raise up our church building.

It started last year with simple prayers for God to provide a little place that we could start meeting on the weekends. Everywhere we looked, it seemed like they were booked or unavailable to churches. That prayer began in June 2009.

In July of that year, Walton and Tina were serving at a local community July 4th festival when they ran into a pastor friend. This friend, Pastor Fish, shared about how someone had gifted 2.25 acres of land to his young church. Some money was also later given to seed their building fund. Their church - Northwest Chinese Church - only numbers about 30-40 adults, so it was a huge step of faith, even with the gifts.

Walton and Fish caught up with each other, and Walton shared his vision for his church Horizon Christian Community Church. It was a good conversation and time of prayer.

A few weeks later, Fish contacted Walton. The bottom line: Northwest knew that God had given them the land and future building, and they felt led to invest it back into God's Kingdom in a deeper way. So they offered to share their land and building with us!

Many prayers and months later... here we are. Day One of Spring Break is also the kick-off of the 5 day project to take the building from mere foundations to fully-framed, roofed, and all 4 external sides finished. It won't be completely usable right away, but it will be a major step towards getting the building ready as a tool for God's Kingdom for BOTH our churches.


Lifting the walls
DAY ONE. March 15, 2010.

About 50 people showed up at the construction site. The wood was all sitting in several piles on the recently-poured foundation slab. Some folks were familiar with hammers and the tools. Others of us... not so much. Yet by noon, by God's grace, we had finished the frame for two sides of the building. Then we hoisted these 80 feet wide frames up! 40 pairs of hands lifted up the frame with a bit of of exhilaration and surprise. The walls were nailed into place and secured. After lunch, we finished off the remaining outside walls, then we started working on the inside room walls.

By day's end, most of the building's frame was up...

God is so good!